When a person becomes addicted to illegal drugs, medications or activities like overeating, he or she frequently does this to replace something they are missing in life. Researchers have discovered a link between addictions and a lack of close connections with family members or friends. Sadly, some people bond with liquor or cocaine in the same way they would otherwise connect with a best friend.
Many people become depressed after feeling lonesome for substantial periods of time, according to study data. Sadness is frequently associated with a lack of friendship. When individuals have no significant relationships with family or friends, this sadness often develops into depression and makes them less likely to try meeting new people.
Although many physicians look at hoarding as an obsession, it frequently stems from loneliness. Some individuals gather objects and use them to replace close relationships. Everyone does this to an extent; people normally keep photos, gifts or belongings left behind by friends or relatives who pass away. Hoarders take it to an extreme as a result of their isolation.
Socially anxious people have difficulty meeting others and forming relationships with them. This does not always occur as a result of poor social skills. In many cases, it is linked to a strong fear of social errors. Individuals with this type of anxiety become more and more isolated because they are afraid of making mistakes when talking to other people.
Mental illness often leads to a cycle of increasing loneliness as patients with these conditions avoid other individuals and acquaintances shun them due to their unusual behavior. Anyone who experiences one of these disorders should recognize greater socialization as a potential solution. Few people succeed in resolving mental health conditions in total isolation.