Also known as Ritalin or Vitamin R, this is quite a controversial drug that is often used to treat patients who are showing symptoms of ADHD. Most of the time, this drug is prescribed to children who are of school age and can become quite addictive if it is not taken as prescribed. Unfortunately, Vitamin R or R-Balls are highly sought after by some people who are looking for a quick rush or high. If you or anyone that you know is in danger of substance abuse while taking methylphenidate, it is important that professional treatment is sought out immediately.
Some of the withdrawal symptoms that can be found when someone is trying to overcome an addiction to Ritalin will include anxiety, depression, lethargy, cravings, increased appetite and fatigue The withdrawal and detox symptoms will often resemble those that are present with other drugs including meth and cocaine.
Believe it or not, a large portion of those people who are addicted to methylphenidate will be the parents of the children who are prescribed the medication. Some will take it for what they think is a quick rush or pick me up, only to find out that they are quickly becoming addicted to the push of dopamine, the euphoria and the energy.
Since there have been many noted cases of addiction to Vitamin R, there are more and more rehab facilities that are fully prepared and equipped to deal with the proper treatment plan. As a parent, you need to make sure that you are able to get better so that you can parent properly and lead by example. While it may be difficult to admit a problem, you are going to find that there is a happier and healthier life to be had once you become completely drug free.
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