It is usually taken with a tablet and ingested orally. Sometimes it is snorted but it is hardly every injected. It will usually last about four to six hours. It makes people feel really good and that is why they want to use it.
When someone takes this type of drug, they can have some pretty bad side effects. They can experience feeling nauseous, getting chills or sweats, an increase in their body temperature, tremors, teeth clenching and blurred vision. They can also experience some pretty bad episodes of anxiety or paranoia and depression.
If someone overdoses on it, they could die. It can cause heart failure or a stroke. It is not something someone will easily walk away from.
When someone takes Ecstasy they are endangering their lives. It can cause the brain's nerves to degenerate. Then when they regrow they do not do it correctly. This can result in cognitive issues, changes with their memory or even in their emotions.
A lot of times people want to use it because they will not feel the urge to sleep or eat. This can allow them to party for days. The bad thing about this is that their body still needs food and sleep even if it doesn't feel like it. This in the end can cause dehydration as well as other issues.
Even if someone takes the drug on a recreational basis it can still cause a lot of damage. It simply isn't worth the good feelings it can give someone. It is too dangerous to use even once and it is best to stay away from it.