The drug is often inhaled through a glass or metal pipe, people who abuse crack cocaine often have these sitting around their homes. An abuser may also suffer from burned hands and lips from holding the heated pipe and placing it to their mouth. The effects of the drug don't last long, and a user may need another fix in as little as 10 to 15 minutes.
Signs of crack cocaine abuse vary from person to person. Physical signs may be dilated pupils, and sweating, as well as a decreased appetite. Abusers may also have a lot of energy, they may be moving around and talking a lot more than normal.
The drug also causes several mental problems. An abuser may be depressed, anxious, and paranoid. They will also have volatile mood swings, being normal one moment and then acting completely unlike themselves the next. The drug can also cause powerful hallucinations that can be very scary both to the abuser and those around them.
There are several ways to treat crack cocaine addiction, however, like with many other addictions they won't be helpful unless an abuser admits they have a problem and want to seek help. They may choose to enter rehabilitation or seek medical help. It's very hard to quit the drug and several types of treatments may be necessary, for an abuser to finally get clean.
Crack cocaine is one of the most serious addictions out there. The drug can cause severe mental and physical damage, if not taken care of. Many treatments are available once a user admits they have an addiction and want to get help.
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